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³MAD ELKS² --------¹ - Their trackmo called Technological Death won democomp. at the Mountain Congress'93. It's probably the best Polish demo. - The Cool renamed to Jeremy. - Xenos joined from BLAZE. - Tai Pan joined in Denmark. - Zombie left SEPTIC and joined in Sweden. - They're going to arrange party in October in Poznan(Poland) with others local groups. - A invitation demo will be out at SANITY/COMPLEX/SUPPLEX party in the end of July in Hamburg/Germany. - They were asked by SUBMISSION to join, and agreed but only as a sub-group. - They're looking for boards! - Fly renamed to Alis. Actual memberlist: Dak (code,swap) Valdi (code) Alis (gfx,swap) P.G. (code) Kopara (swap) Fli (gfx,swap) SCA (swap) Jeremy (swap) Xenos (gfx) Tai Pan (swap) Zombie (swap) ³MAJIC 12 ²--------¹ -Zinko left for Kefrens. -Overdog joined from Nuance and later left for Faith. -Zozo moved back from England to Hungary, and took back the main organizing in Majic 12. -There is no Majic 12 Australia anymore. -Majic 12's only divisions in Hungary, Denmark, Sweden and Norway. -Ultravox rejoined Majic 12 -Avantage has finished his military service on the 12th of August. -French diviosion has been kicked. -All the norvegian members has been kicked except Dr.Bully, Vector, Heavy Mental. {³ The actual member list of Majic 12: Denmark: Nighthawk, Chorus, Ramirez, Joshua, Dali, Sid, Shiva, Condor, MGP, Stanley Sweden: Burton, Sniffet, Eracore, ZYX, Heinz, Kharma, Cyberpunk, Slash, Pure Magic, Bareface Hungary: Zozo, Dr. Device, Avantage, Jazzy D, Ultravox, Dr. Zotyo, Maxwood, Exemplar, Elijah Norway: Vector, Heavy Mental, Dr.Bully If somebody says he is in he is not telling you the truth. } ³MELON DEZIGN ²------------¹ -To find the hidden part in 'How To Skin A Cat', wait for 3 minutes at the end. -Gengis joined from Digital. -Rumour: Gengis buys his sources. -SLAMMER & SOLNOVA left to form a new group.A group with no name..... ³MEXX² ----¹ - SPEED left for COMPLEX ³MINDBENDERS² -----------¹ - A new finnish group with these members: Slayer HQ,swap Doq Music,swap Buzzer Music BHF Coder Formercode Gfx,swap ³MIRAGE ²------¹ -Chit Chat 10 will be on 2 disks. CC10 picture will be done by Danny. CC10 will also come with an editor and a new design. -The reason why Chit Chat 10 is delayed, is that CRACKERJACK (responsible for the intro) and DANNY (responsible for the picture) are too busy with playing games on the SNES... -Crackerjack is thinking of making a demo ³MOVEMENT ²--------¹ -Nam joined from Dreamdealers. -Xann joined from Dreamdealers. ³MYSTIC² ------¹ -A new group formed by some members of Submission. ÿi02³NOXIOUS ²-------¹ - Colorbird will release a papermag called Propaganda. - Colorbird left for Scoopex. ³NUANCE² ------¹ -Leroy left for Vision. -Hijack joined from Grace. -Hijack left for Legend. -Screwball left for Legend. -Gfx-Twins left Iris and joined Nuance -Overdog joined Majic 12 ÿi03³PARADOX ²-------¹ - KILLRAVEN was kicked ³PARAGON ²-------¹ -Marlin left for Talent. -El Loco left for Talent. ³PARAMOUNT ²---------¹ - A new AMOS group,who create games in AMOS - Members are: Sony (coder), Survivor (coder & gfx) and Interface (coder) - Sony changed his handle to Shocker. ³PARALLAX DESIGN OF SCOOPEX ²--------------------------¹ -Darky joined. -Reserve joined from Legend. -San Miguel joined from Insane with his BBS called 'Far North'. ³PLEASURE ²--------¹ - Dulux and Mc Noise left and found PRIME DESIGN - Fashion Design, Skaterat and Gemeni left for PRIME DESIGN ³PRIME DESIGN ²------------¹ - a new group found by ex-members of Pleasure and Comedy - members are: Dulux (gfx,org) , Mc Noise (msx) , Zorro (pack,swp, gfx) , Eksec (cod) , Skaterat (cod) ,Fashion Design (swp, gfx) , Gemeni (swp) - Eksec and Zorro formed a 2 people funteam named Comedy Inc. of PRIME DESIGN (cos they like the name comedy sooo much) - they look out for good coders, a good grafician and a friendly sysop - there are two faxlines ++49-(0)340-828475 (Dulux) and ++49-(0)38232-326 (Mc Noise) - Zorro and Eksec left for Infect ³PRINCIPES² ---------¹ -ABETTOR ex-SUBMISSION join PRINCIPES ÿi04³RAM JAM² -------¹ -Trendy Dealer joined from Headway. -They will release a musicdisk called 'New Age' in July. -Gurgle left to build up a new group called 'The Nasty Angels'. -Zalu is not a member. -Shawn/Impulse (ex-Urchin) was asked to rejoin,but he refused. ³RAZOR 1911 ²----------¹ - 4 members in Norway was busted by the Norwegian police for using calling card. ³RETIRE² ------¹ - A new german group is born, founded by KILLTECH (ex.Paranoid) and some others. ÿi05³SANITY² ------¹ - TRASHER (ex.PANIC) joined. ³SACREDS ²-------¹ -Lopez left for Banal Projects. -Comrade left for Energy. -They are dead. ³SCEPTIC ²-------¹ -Fuszy and Cruchy left for The Electronic Knights with their BBS 'The Factory'. - HYDRA (ex.DEVILS) joined. - CAN (ex.IRIS) joined. - CELIC (ex.KEFRENS) joined. - FIRE & ICE (ex.200AD BBS) joined. - PUMP ACTION BBS joined and renamed to HIGH DENSITY - ANGEL EYES (ex.SUBMISSION) joined as graphician - LAURENCE (ex.VANISH) joined as musician - BAD RELIGION joined as US BB HQ - They produced some cracktros for DIAMONDS&RUST/FAIRLIGHT ³SCOOPEX ²-------¹ -German members left to build up a new group called 'Basf'. -Prince (PD) left for The Electronic Knights and renamed to Scott. -Rumours about Psycho Demon that he payed 200DM to be in Scoopex are not true. - PSYCHO DEMON starts all Mailtrading activitys after a little war with his parents. -Link is now a SysOp. -Link, Raxxion and Parallax were kicked. -Titan joined from Digital. -Rumour: Titan scans his graphics. -SUNNY and CONQUEST joined. - Colorbird/Noxious joined. - Renegade/Impulse joined as swapper in Hungary. ³SEPTIC ²------¹ -Rumours say Radium/Cyanide will join Septic as a graphician. -Septic will do a musicdisk with musics of Arcadia (ex-Weirdo/Scorpio). -Zombie joined Septic as a swapper in Sweden. Sane in Holland as a swapper. -Sane/Septic will quit his job as an editor on the Upstream-mag because some of the best persons in Holland will do a 'State of the art' diskmag soon. ³SEQUENCE² --------¹ - Blaze left and joined Frogs - Sequence is dead. ³THE SILENTS² -----------¹ - TSL Sweden upcomming releases are: Masterpieces (music-disk) by Delery,Chevron,Blaizer & Marillion. Some Intros will be released. Maybe a Trackmo by Spiron & Cuddley for TCC'93 and a trackmo by Rayban for TCC'93. - TSL Denmark: Sound of Silents II. Some new utilities and a trackmo from master & Bionic on 2-3 disks. ³SILENT CRACKING SERVICE ²-----------------------¹ -Zycro joined from The Electronic Knights. ³SILICON LTD. ²------------¹ -Their Summer Party is cancelled. They will try to organize it on next year. -BLACK THUNDER left to join INTENSE ³SHINING 8 ²---------¹ -Max left for Digital. -Deshay left. -Zealot sold his computer to buy a A1200. Because of this, his BBS will be closed down for a few weeks. - Orion left for Angels ³SKYLAB ²------¹ -Hanzi left for Headway. ³SONIC² -----¹ -Grim joined from Damones. ³SPACEBALLS ²----------¹ -Rumour: Spaceballs will have a party together with Andromeda ³SPECTRE² -------¹ -HYPNOTIST left SLUMLORDS to join SPECTRE -HYPNOTIST change his handle for SCUD -SPECTRE is dead -Some members of SPECTRE join INTENSE -ARISTOTE left SPECTRE for join UNLIMITED -SCUD left SPECTRE for join UNLIMITED ³STATIC BYTES² ------------¹ - Marvel left to join CRUSADERS. - Sauron will take over Marvel's Eurochart duties. ³STELLAR ²-------¹ -Frankie joined from Agnostic Front. ³STONE ARTS ²----------¹ - A new group is born, with ex-members from Atomic and others. - Absent did`nt join,he joined Impulse. -Twist renamed to Dolphin. ³SUBMISSION ²----------¹ -Dr.Victor left for Headway. -Most of the members were kicked. -Dux left for Dreamdealers and renamed to t'Veen. -Some members left to build up a new group called 'Mystic'. -They are dead. ³SUPERNOVA ²---------¹ - Supernova is dead. - Sledge is independent. ³SYNDICATE ²---------¹ -Atomix joined from Endless Piracy with his BBS. ÿi06³TALENT ²------¹ -Necro left for Banana Dezign. -Pensplit left for Banana Dezign. -Mr.Z left for Banana Dezign. -Android joined from Awe. -Lance joined from Awe. -Mace joined from Awe. -Sadman joined from Awe. -Marlin joined from Paragon. -El Loco joined from Paragon. -Memberlist: Android (musician) Djengis Khan (musician, sysop) El Loco (musician) Jackass (graphician) Jomar (coder) Jukebox (musician) Mace (swapper) Lance (graphician) Marlin (musician) Melis (musician) Noname (coder, raytracer) Ogier Le Petit (musician) Sadman (swapper) Stripe The Gremlin (coder) Viper (graphician) Zytron (graphician) - Necrologic joined from AWE. - They are working on a musicdisk called "Premiere". - The Welcro Waste packs will continue again with a new design, and maybe an advert section as well. It will probably be a Talent production. ³TECH ²----¹ -Some members left to build up a new group called Logic with some members of Vanish. -They are dead. ³THE BOLD & THE BEAUTIFUL ²------------------------¹ -Clark left, but they found a new one! -They also lost their darling (Caroline that is!), 'coz she died. -She had a cancer. But don't worry, Ridge has found a new girl already, She is Taylor! -KATY has joined. -Horny sister (Katy and Donna) are going to have a packserie ! -Mark and Thorne decided to leave, so once again there is room for more -memberlist is: -Finland- RIDGE (swap, Whq) ANGELA (swap) BILL SPENCER (tekno swapping) ERIC (code) ROCCO (muzak) STORM (gfx) MICK (code?, music?) BROOKE (Code) DONNA (swap) KATY (music) TAYLOR (swap) -Denmark- New Clark (gfx, Hq) ³THE ELECTRONIC KNIGHTS ² ----------------------¹ -Sonic, the musicmag by TEK will never be released !!! -Dexter (musician) joined TEK in Finland -Jarre got the new internal organiser in TEK -Raxxion of Basf used a stolen typer-routine in all of his intros. The routine was originally made by Crunchy. -Prince (PD) joined from Scoopex and renamed to Scott. -Zycro left for Silent Cracking Service with his BBS. -Plasma, Placid and Mc Brain joined from Dual Crew-Shining. -Jarre joined. -Fuszy and Crunchy joined from Sceptic with their BBS 'The Factory'. -Sandman joined and renamed to Deep Madness. -Iraner left. - RED KNIGHT AND IRANNER left them. - RED KNIGHT rejoined after some days in SPREADPOINT and renamed to MAXWELL. MAXWELL starts his BBS => ANTARCTIC STATION! -Maxwell is working on a game with a softwarefirm...supporting of crazy ideas. -Iraner rejoined. - Arogny joined, but he was kicked after 12 days! -They never have had an UK division. -The members of TEK are: Banana (musician, graphician) Banshee (graphician) Captain Bifat (coder, graphician) Crunchy (coder, sysop) Deep Madness (swapper) Fuszy (coder) Iraner (coder) Jarre (musician) Mc Brain (coder) Mac (swapper, packer) Maxwell (swapper, packer, sysop) Placid (musician) Plasma (graphician) Scott (graphician) ³THE FUN FACTORY ²---------------¹ -Complex asked Commander Z to join, but he refused. - A new group is born. - They released a dentro,code by Dr.Blitz - Kazz (swapper) joined. ³THE NASTY ANGELS ²----------------¹ -A new group formed by Gurgle of ex.Ram Jam. ³THE SPECIAL BROTHERS ²--------------------¹ -Vodka joined from Digital. ³TRANCE INC. ²-----------¹ - They now got 3 bbs's physicall-graffiti +44 (081) 470 4088 2-static +31 (0)8863 2314 alien nation +31 (0)85 424839 (from 1-4-93) - OVERDOG (ex.DELIGHT) joined in Germany. - THE COLLECTOR (ex.INTENSE) joined in Belgium. - BASSHEAD is kicked. - CUBIK has some problems with the Dutch post-company (PTT) All faked packages will not arrive him, but will be destroyed by the PTT. If you have not heard from him for 2 weeks, re-contact him in a legal way !!! -Confusion and Knarfie was kicked. -Serval ex-CENTURA FHQ join TRANCE inc. as Swapper-GFX (FRANCE) -HIGH TENSION and Abul join TRANCE inc. as Swapper-modem trader (SPAIN) -TRANCE inc. open soon a new board in Spain called PURPLE BEACH: Sysop HIGH TENSION Cosysop FLYNN -FALKEN of FRANTIC 69 want to join TRANCE inc. (FRANCE) as swapper and a best friend of FLYNN!!!!! ³TRSI² ----¹ - Cone/TRSI left the scene. - Dark/Noxious joined as new swapper. - TRSI got a new talented PC division to become again number one on PC. - A Trackmo will be done by the german members (VIOLA BROS...etc.) for the WOC in NOVEMBER. - 2 new talented coder joined and they are also doing a demo for the WOC in November! - Also a 2-Disk Trackmo by the Austrians for the DENMARK PARTY!! - T-BONE (danish coder) moved to Brasil for almost a year. - Call Austrias best BBS (TRSI AHQ) under +43-7672-27743 which has now 3 nodes/ringdown sysop: PRAYER - FELON are coding a musicdisk feat. tunes by BLACKTHORNE, HELLRAZOR and VIRGILL. - Fiver, Sketch and Tension joined from Acrid! They are busy working on a demo! - NAVY joined from VANISH. - VIOLA BROS. re-joined from MASQUE. So did Ply-2!! - COSMOS joined from SANITY! - NAVY is 100 % member of TRSI and not of BASF as stated in some mags. - FELON is a new talented coder-duo in TRSI, they already released a new crack-intro for upcoming TRSI cracks! - THE TWINS and NOLEM (ex-Perfection/FUSION) joined as coders. - CONTROL and ORBIT joined from ALCATRAZ! ÿi07³URBAN DESIGN ²------------¹ -Yes we are! ³UTOPIA ²------¹ -Messiah left for Destiny. - Blue Nun changed handle to Perlon and joined EXTACY ÿi08³VANISH ²------¹ -Navy is NOT a member of BASF, he prefers to stay independent at the moment !!! -Cujo, Kyle and Dioxin quitted the scene. -Some members left to build up a new group called Logic with some members of Tech. -They are dead. ³VALHALLA ²--------¹ - Valhalla is back !!! -Megadeth left Paradox and joined Valhalla -Boomer, Luke Morgan, Zonk, No Limit all joined Valhalla ³VICIOUS ²-------¹ -Solid left for Desire. -D-Icelord was kicked. -They will release a musicdisk called 'Delectation' and a BBS-trackmo. -Megazin 3 will be out on 23th of July. -Cult Jam joined from Zite productions. - GODFATHER / FREESTYLE rejoined. - CREW ONE / Zite did not join as stated in several mags - INTERCEPT is a coop-label between Vicious and Zite - CLOUD9 are kicked ³VISION ²------¹ -Vision Germany is born !! -Placid left Desire for VISION -Dreven Devir joined VISION as a swapper (female) -Dr Know (coder) joined VISION -Marineer (gfx) joined VISION -Mc Brain (coder)left TEK and joined VISION !!! -Leroy joined from Nuance. -Spikehead got kicked. -Vision Norway is dead. - Newmode (coder) joined Vision in Germany - Gato, ADM & Sir Henry joined from Impulse - LORD started his 'Eye' Packserie - LORD is also a CREATOR member - LORD opened his Board : The Number of the Beast - Cryonik was kicked - Ice-T joined from Mystic and will soon open another VISION-BBS - They will release a mag called: SWAPPERS DELIGHT - Actual Memberlist: Placid : WHQ,coder,musician,swapper Decadence : swapper,main-editor:S.D Dragon : gfx,swapper Hooker : sysop (Dragon BBS - WHQ) Jarre : musician Marineer : gfx Mc Brain : coder,gfx Newmode : coder,gfx Leroy : Uk-HQ,swapper Lord : Hun-HQ,musician,swapper Gato : swapper ADM : gfx Sir Henry : musician ³VIRTUAL DREAMS ²--------------¹ -D-Mage joined from Headway. -Tsunami left for Damones. -Groo joined Carillon & Cyberiad as a double-member. ÿi09³WEDLOCK ²-------¹ - They are almost dead. ³ZITE PRODUCTIONS ²----------------¹ - OTIS Left to rejoin INFOCORNER - INTERCEPT is a coop-label between VICIOUS and ZITE - SHADOW changed his handle to SCHADUW because there are so many Shadows around (Schaduw=Dutch word for Shadow!!) -Cult Jam left for Vicious. -Death Angel renamed to Terrorite. -Death Angel is now WHQ. -Cardiac is now GHQ. -Memberlist: The Eye (coder) The Axe (coder) Vektor (coder) MLB (musician) SAM (musician) Xenobit (graphician) Cardiac (graphician) Solid (graphician) Terrorite (swapper) Schaduw (swapper) IKE (swapper) ÿi10³X-TRADE² -------¹ - Urchin (ex-Ram jam) was never a member of X-Trade,he joined Impulse. - Duffy (ex-quartz) joined,but after a while he left for Midway